Friday 4 October 2013

Thrice Weekly Weigh-In - Why?

Everyone focuses on the number don't they? The number on the scales must be checked weekly and must always go down and then when it doesn't there will be a week of worrying and another number to focus on but I don't want that - yes, the number is important, after all I'm trying to lose weight; of course I would like it to always go down, but let's be frank a good bowel movement can be worth a pound and maybe I haven't eaten enough fibre this week so ;) ...

I've instituted thrice weekly weigh-ins for myself because:

- my head is a sieve and I won't always remember all of the weigh-ins and they'll all be at different times of the day in various states of dress or undress

- when the number's gone up after a couple of days I want to halt it's progression before it picks up speed, if in fact it is overeating related

- it keeps me focused on my weight or rather doing something about it, it keeps the need to think before scoffing a chocolate bar firmly in mind, it helps my Mummy brain (still very much in recovery) remember the goal and the plan and the point.

I just read back over my old blog's last few posts which were all weight-loss and weigh-in related and was struck by the fact that in nineteen months (yes, over a year-abd-a-half) all I've managed to do is gain six pounds.

BUT in my efforts to "turn down my inner critic" and focus on the positive I had set myself some very good post-partum goals, some of which actually stuck! I do make my bed daily and get dressed and lay out my clothes and keep the baby bag packed and ready to go and I am aware of what's on the calendar and yay I have actually made some progress. Alas one of my goals was to move out of maternity clothes as soon as I felt comfortable in my old clothes and well I have only this last week packed away my maternity jeans because well, they are so damn comfy! Still keeping the black maternity tee though as it's very flattering on my mummy-tummy!

So progress and not so here's to more steps forward or at least a little nap in place and leaving behind the girl who forgot to stop when she was full, deterrmined to get her money's worth at the buffet breakfast.

P.S. In the interests of boredom avoidance I will only post a weekly weigh-in here and I think Wednesdays are as good a day as any (I weigh-in M/W/Sa) and I very neatly weighed in at thirteen stone even on Wednesday past (182 lbs) so any loss will drop me nicely back into the twelves and anything beyond two pounds (as if, since I'm still hardly trying, unless I get sick, which, nope I'd still mind) will land me nicely in the 170s. Last year I beat out my pre-pregnancy weight-loss to get down to 12 st 8 lbs (176 lbs) by fourteen weeks post-partum and now at 22 1/2 months PP I'm six pounds heavier and definitely less shapely (14 weeks PP was about the time of my son's baptism and I looked way better in my wrap dress then than now). Here's to making a positive difference!

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