Monday 26 August 2013

Quiet Ambition

My quiet ambition is to organise others, to be allowed into their sanctuaries, physical and mental and to clear out the debris, sweep away the cobwebs (figuratively) and create and space-save, put like with like and beautify.

I want to help others make the most of their homes and their time. I want to help them make better use of their finances, help them budget, help them develop and grow in their interests, hobbies, lives (parenting, marriages etc.). I want to help them lose weight and improve their fitness by helping them find the time to do so.

I want to help others in the ways I cannot help myself.

I am the epitome of those who can, do; those who can't teach.

My house sits as a house, not always a home.

It is unloved in its messiness, disorganisation, chaos, clutter, dirt and dust.

Eugh, the kitchen floor alone.

I have made strides in the right direction.

A step forward of a beauty-enhancing craft.

A step back of an unbrushed floor.

Forward, a scrubbed and shining sink.

Back, the knowledge that the scrubbing removed two-year-old paint drips and that the same paint job needs redone.

Forward, a cleaned up, decorative find from the outhouses to add to our homeliness.

Back, an unmade bed, sat all day and the next.

I make efforts and once routines to include this good thing or that are firmly established then I have a proud moment but it does not last as I look at all that needs done. All the other things that need to become routine and I just don't feel like I improve though I know I do.

I want to help establish routines and beautify.

I want to help my father declutter and organise and label in the many outhouses and garage/workshop spaces on the farm. I want to help calm his work spaces to help his slowly unravelling mind; to help calm the interior through a calm exterior.

I want to help my friend plan her wedding, I want to be a reliable friend to her and the rest.

Mostly I want and NEED to improve how I suggest and prod and help others improve; remove any condescension from my tone, any patronising elements to my speech. I want (with Divine assistance, which I REALLY NEED) to be as respectful of others as they are of me; to respect the strides they make, as my husband acknowledges my (albeit minor) revisions and improvements. So often when I speak I just wish I hadn't.

So this is my quiet ambition to improve and in so doing help others to do likewise. Iron sharpens iron.

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