Friday, 28 February 2014

"Gratitude" Journal for February (Week Four)

Listing things daily for which I am grateful...

Sat. 22nd
Hugs, love in a most comforting form.
Fresh air and space and light and the weather to enjoy all three.

Sun. 23rd
Rest when sleep is elusive.
A patient husband who shows me how to be better and sets a good example of a son.

Mon. 24th
Watching my baby spread his wings and blossom; trust his mama and step off the ledge into the foam pit; speak back the words of the books and the songs and finish off his line of grace; put on the shoes; take off everything (nake-eh, nake-eh) and squeal with giggles. My hearts swells with the love.
Friends and talking about nothing as the hours fly by.

Tues. 25th
Yummy treats from family and friends to buoy the spirits.
A praying boy.
Hearing my son repeat the nursery rhymes of my childhood that my Nanny taught me, knowing the rhymes will bring tearful smiles to my Mum and Granda.

Weds. 26th
Clean bedsheets.
Helpful husband.
My "big boy" baby, asleep at my breast (for the first time in ages), I'd forgotten the sweetness of it. Even his middle of night feeds tend to end with him coming off and saying "done" before turning over and snuggling in. I hadn't quite realised the loss of this stage until today. A sweet flight into the next stage as he steps ever more into himself.
Singing with my two-year-old, Mama attempts to carry the tune while Bundle is left gaps to fill with exuberance and increasing clarity.
Long-distance phonecalls being as clear as chatting in person as I got a quick word with my folks in Australia today.
Big sisters and little ones and chatting at ease with one another.

Thurs. 27th
Being able to make surprise visits to Daddy at work.
The use of my parents' washing machine whilst ours is on the blink.
Naptime, even if Mama doesn't sleep, are a sweet rest time to revive everyone until bedtime.
(Photos of) Family from opposite ends of the world coming together for fun and fellowship; including six siblings (my Dad's the baby) who hadn't met en masse for almost twenty-one years and watching my two nieces and two of my cousins' daughters all cavorting about in a giggling group.

Fri. 28th
God's provision.
Healing tears and hugs and kisses.
Date night.
Bacon, fried eggs, beans and chips (with salt and vinegar) for tea.

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