Friday, 28 February 2014

7 Posts in 7 Days (Friday) - 7QT

1. This is my first time linking-up

2. Today was not a good day, emotionally or physically; depression reared its ugly head, as did my previously-diagnosed-as-carpal-tunnel-but-think-it's-actually-arthritis pains. My left wrist wasn't allowing me any let up all day to the degree that moving a pillow or an empty cup led to my calling out in agony - not fun and didn't help my emotional control any.

3. This posting everyday thing is kicking my butt more than a little as this drivel can attest - I am literally typing what pops into my head. It's amazing how with the deadline of needing to write, I cannot expand on any of my blogpost ideas and no subjects of note will come to mind.

4. I have technically already posted today, the final installment of this month's gratitude journal - next month (i.e. tomorrow on) will see me keep a haiku journal. Definitely one of my better goals for the year, I decided to keep a different style of journal for each month. The different styles were chosen mostly in the hopes that I wouldn't become too bored and stop but also to help me develop my thought processes, writing, ability to reflect on the day - both bad points and good - and also to help me find which reflective practice best suits me. For January I kept a "my word in six days journal" and other plans for the year include: a "what I did today" diary format with only bare facts included, like the reflections offered by a counsellor to their client; a traditional dear diary; a "confessions" journal; a prayer journal; and a TV viewing journal.

5. Another goal for the year that I have been pursuing with a vengeance is that of donating 275,000 grains of rice through the World Food Programme "game" site The nerd in me must explain that I initially set myself the goal of a thousand grains a day donated i.e. 365,000 but I gave myself the out of cimpleting the task only 75% of the year or thereabouts (275,000 total). Anywho I may have become a little obsessed so I'm on 160,000 already and since you earn 10 grains per question answered that means I have answered a whopping 16,000 questions over the past 59 days or an average of just over 271 questions a day.

6. I have been loving on the DayZero project site once again this year to help me actually follow through on my many goals. It's the original home of "101 things to do in 1001 days" list though personally I prefer shorter term goals. I use the free portion of the site and really enjoy the accountability.

7. My other completely followed through commitment for the year has been faithfully completing my Moodscope test each day. It is a psychology test that gives you a score for how you're feeling (surprisingly accurate) and allows you to track your mood over time and also find possible triggers or things that boost your mood through the comments you attach to your graph. I've used the site sporadically since 2010 but this is the year I have really committed ti it and to using all the tools available to me to beat the black dog (depression) once and for all or at least house-train him :) Again I only use the free portion of the site but I find it so helpful, especially the daily (optional) email reminders which incude an inspirational blog post written by either the website staff or its users (I've even contributed which definitely boosted my mood).

Amazingly I've reached seven so if you've made it this far, bravo, now click back to Jen's to check out everyone else's.

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